I really completed the quiz like 4 times but the wiki page which is unlocked at last won't let me post cause I don't see any post option there but I answered each and every question believe me. So I am posting my details please consider it or tell me how to post my details on that page I will do that too
i forgot to post my email yesterday because it was 1am in the morning here in Asia but i completed the quiz. My gmail is reybancaberte89@gmail.com but my SMU was registered at my fb. reyban_bali@yahoo.com
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I really completed the quiz like 4 times but the wiki page which is unlocked at last won't let me post cause I don't see any post option there but I answered each and every question believe me. So I am posting my details please consider it or tell me how to post my details on that page I will do that too
Till then here are details-
Platform type- Android
Email- laxminarain62@gmail
Facebook id- Laxmi Narain Pant
In game- Shinichi
Please consider my result .. :)
Ingame nickname : Dissior
Email nigoohaem@gmail.com
Fb arthur Dickenberryes
No mac adress
name in game ribeirorenato
in game name: Agent Recluse
platform: Android
E-mail: bigbangburnout@gmail.com
Facebook Name: Zygarde Perfect
In game (nick)name(?):Andromeda
FB:Ratirat Rati Pongsakul
In-game name:Sylvian vaz
Nick -name:King Spider
Email: sylvianvaz@gmail.com
Facebook: Sylvian Vaz
in-game name: Andrada Boeriu
Nick- name : Richard B
E- mail:andradaboeriu@gmail.com
Facebook: Andrada Boeriu
In Game Name : Sunny Goh
Platform: IOS
E-mail : suannyok@yahoo.com
Facebook ID : Sunny Goh
i finished the quiz. Got all but one right the first time. Fun quiz hope there's more. (Jpg2497, iOS, jp2497@yahoo.com, Facebook: Jason Garrison ).
i have more planned :) got you entered
Thanks. It was fun.
i forgot to post my email yesterday because it was 1am in the morning here in Asia but i completed the quiz. My gmail is reybancaberte89@gmail.com but my SMU was registered at my fb. reyban_bali@yahoo.com
Got you entered :)
thankyou. Its a great honor for me. 😊
android platform i am. My SMU name is Rey Caberte. Thanks 😊
my mail isnaycerabisai@gmail.com
my mail is naycerabisai@gmail.com
got ya
I completed the quiz :) my g+ mail which i use to play the game is karusso.watson88@gmail.com
.. i know it sounds doll, but my brother used to use that acount before u.u
got ya down ;)
Thank you!!! :)
I complete que quiz my email is ronaldgovea@aol.com
Got ya :)
registered :)
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four 4s